Louisville Pedestrian Accident

Have you been injured? Call or text Hessig & Pohl at 502-777-1111

Louisville pedestrian accident as person crosses the street

There’s another news story about a Louisville pedestrian accident.  The incident, which happened during the morning rush, was reported by Wave3.  It occurred today on Bardstown Road at Goldsmith Lane.

As crazy as our lives get these days, we need to take caution to be aware of our surroundings.  Whether we’re driving to work, crossing the street or simply driving to our favorite songs, safety is a huge concern.  This goes for both drivers and pedestrians.

We seem to get reports about a new pedestrian accident in Louisville, every month or so.  These can involve cars, delivery trucks, commercial vehicles (such as cement trucks) and even TARC buses.

Our blog has featured several stories about similar collisions involving pedestrians.  Unfortunately, in some cases, these accidents have resulted in fatalities.

Reasons Pedestrian Accidents Occur

We’ve compiled various reasons these injuries take place.  Often, it’s because the driver of the vehicle was either distracted, or was trying to make it through an intersection before the light changed.  However, it’s important to remember that it’s not always the fault of the driver.

The next time you venture out, take note of how many times you see people crossing a busy street.  A Louisville pedestrian accident can occur when the person fails to use the cross-walk at an intersection.  Darting out from behind a car, truck or SUV can put you at serious risk.  The oncoming drivers aren’t expecting a pedestrian and may not see him/her if their line of sight is blocked by a large vehicle.

Crossing at a marked cross-walk is a simple way to make sure remain safe.  It’s something we learned as children, but often forget as adults.

Spend time reminding your children and grandchildren about the risks and precautions they should always take.  It may save their lives.

remind children to cross only at cross-walks to avoid a pedestrian accident

Another simple safety step is to remove your headphones.  Even though you may think it’s okay to cross, you need to be able to hear an oncoming vehicle.  Remember, the driver may not see you.  This advice might give you time to avoid serious injuries.

We hope the individual involved in this Louisville pedestrian accident will be okay.  At the same time, we know the driver is going to have a lot to deal with over the next few weeks.  These situations are entirely avoidable if both pedestrians and drivers take precautions and focus on the road.

If you’re walking to work, or home from school, the attorneys at Hessig & Pohl hope you’ll remember to Take Steps, Before Taking Steps.


by Martin Pohl | Jul 13, 2017 | ,



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