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car accident attorney

What is the Police Accident Report and Why It is Important

The first question people ask after a car accident is, what caused the crash? This is an important question as often the reason for the accident dictates the ability of a plaintiff to be awarded compensation for injuries. This also is one of the first ...
personal injury lawyer

Common Personal Injury Cases

Any accident can lead to a personal injury lawsuit. However, some types of accidents more commonly result in personal injury claims. Personal injury law is also referred to as “tort” law. A “tort” is an act or omission that results in injury or harm to ...
fatal car accident lawyer

Fatal Car Accidents Common Across Kentucky

Kentucky residents are at risk of being involved in a car crash. Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. They may involve one vehicle or more. A collision can involve another passenger vehicle or a truck. Many factors can contribute to an accident ...
Louisville personal injury lawyers podcast

Contingency Fees and Hiring a Kentucky Personal Injury

On this episode of Fighting for Justice in Kentucky, we look at what contingency fees are and what you should look for before hiring a Kentucky personal injury lawyer.
fatal work accident lawyer

Fatal Work Accident

Work accidents can happen at any workplace. Consider the fatal accident at General Motors Appliance Park where a 55-year-old man got stuck in a machine on the fridge door line. The man was a long-time, 24-year employee. It is not clear how he became stuck ...
winter car accident lawyer

Winter Driving Tips

Fall and winter are the worst driving seasons. Slippery, snow-covered road conditions heavily contribute to accidents. While vehicle crashes can happen at any time of the year, a good portion of those wrecks happen in the fall and winter months. Approximately 21 percent of the ...